Ferry transport accounts for over 80 percent of the port’s transhipment volumes. In 2023, almost 230,000 cargo units were transported via the environmentally friendly sea route. A large part of the transport arrives or leaves Kiel by rail. At Schwedenkai this share is over 20 percent.

Semi-trailers, swap-bodies and containers are regularly loaded from Kiel to destinations in Germany and Europe-wide via our intermodal terminals. Please click here to find more information about the special service "terminal-check-in"!

Intermodal connections via Kiel

Hamburg–Billwerder (Germany)
3 x/week via Schwedenkai
to Duisburg, Frankfurt (Main), Karlsruhe, Cologne, Ludwigshafen-BASF, Munich-Riem, Nuremberg, Verona (IT).
Rates & Information:  Kombiverkehr KG, www.kombiverkehr.de

Further gateway connections to the European hinterland.
Exact time tables and running times at www.kombiverkehr.de

Intermodal Traffic - Video

The intermodal traffic takes a prominent position at the BLUE PORT KIEL.


KombiPort is the operator of the handling facilities for combined transport in the port areas Ostuferhafen and Schwedenkai. The KombiPort Kiel GmbH is a joint venture between SEEHAFEN KIEL GmbH & Co. KG and the German Company for Combined Traffic (Deutsche Gesellschaft für den kombinierten Güterverkehr mbH & Co. KG) in Frankfurt am Main.

Contact KombiPort

Eva Kampe

Managing Director

T +49 431 9822-148

Martina Dahm

Marketing & Sales,
Authorised Signatory KombiPort

T +49 431 9822-143