The company
SEEHAFEN KIEL GmbH & Co KG (PORT OF KIEL) is a company owned by the state capital of Kiel and operates the commercial port of Kiel with its own railway infrastructure as well as the Airport Kiel. The PORT OF KIEL owns the port facilities and terminals and is responsible for port development, expansion and maintenance. Its business areas are stevedoring and handling services, railway operations and property management.
Versatile employer in an
international environment with
high ambitions for itself
and its employees.
Kiel's seaport is one of the most versatile and economical ports in Germany. Its favourable geographical location, deep water, first-class terminal facilities and good transport connections make the port equally attractive for cargo handling and passenger traffic.
The port handles 7.89 million tonnes of goods a year; 2.8 million passengers board or disembark a ferry or cruise ship. The modern ferries of the Scandinavian lines characterise the appearance of Kiel's city port. The largest part of Kiel's port is located on the east bank of the fjord. The Ostuferhafen is Kiel's freight and logistics centre. Freight transport to the Baltic States and Sweden is concentrated here.
Our entrepreneurial decisions at the PORT OF KIEL are characterised by far-sighted thinking and action from an ecological, economic and social perspective.
Ongoing training and further education for our more than 350 employees is just as important and a matter of course for us as support in balancing family and career.
Are you looking for a new challenge in a future-orientated company? Then come and join us! We offer you a secure job with many prospects.
The job opportunities at the PORT OF KIEL are varied: from port workers to property managers, shipping agents, engineers, craftsmen and various commercial specialists.
Get in touch with us!
We offer
- Secure jobs in a growing company
- Interesting development opportunities
- Promotion of training and further education
- Flexible, family-friendly working hours
- Corporate health management
- Attractive workplaces in an open, friendly atmosphere and in a convenient location
- Modern work equipment
- Performance-related remuneration and VL
- Opportunities to help shape the company
Schwedenkai 1, 24103 Kiel, Germany
T +49 (0)431 9822-121