Green Energy.
Electricity from renewable energies
Since 2012, the PORT OF KIEL has covered its electrical energy requirements by purchasing electricity from renewable sources. While initially only individual terminal areas were supplied, all port facilities now use green electricity. Compared to the standard electricity mix of the local supplier (508 g CO2/kWh), the CO2 savings amount to around 99.3 per cent. This means that more than 1,900 tonnes of CO2 are avoided annually according to the electricity supplier's climate protection certificate.
Alternative energy generation
The PORT OF KIEL has invested in technology for alternative energy generation and installed photovoltaic systems on the roofs of several properties in Kiel's Ostuferhafen harbour. Since 2013, these systems have been producing an average of 200,000 kilowatt hours per year, which are fed into the municipal utility's grid or are available for the company's own use.
Conversion of the lighting technology
Since 2014, the PORT OF KIEL has been using energy-efficient LED lighting technology in its properties, thereby achieving considerable energy savings compared to conventional lighting technology. Starting with the construction of Shed 4 in the Ostuferhafen harbour in 2013, all new buildings have since been equipped with this lighting concept. The terminal building at Norwegenkai, Sheds 1 and 2 and the shed in the Ostuferhafen harbour were converted in 2015, saving more than 400,000 kilowatt hours a year.
KSI: Replacement of the outdoor lighting on the Ostuferhafen harbour site with energy-efficient LED lighting
This project will see the open terminal area in the Ostuferhafen harbour equipped with LED lighting from September 2019 until the end of March 2020. With an investment volume of around 250,000 euros, 160 lamps with LED technology will be installed there. In addition, the existing lighting control system will be optimised in line with the new LED lighting. This will reduce electricity consumption by almost 72 per cent, saving over 275,000 kilowatt hours of electrical energy per year.
This measure is being subsidised under the funding code 03K10779 as part of the National Climate Protection Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment.

National Climate Protection Initiative
With the National Climate Initiative, the Federal Environment Ministry has been initiating and funding numerous projects that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions since 2008. Its programmes and projects cover a broad spectrum of climate protection activities: From the development of long-term strategies to concrete assistance and investment-based funding measures. This diversity is a guarantee for good ideas. The National Climate Initiative helps to anchor climate protection on the ground. It benefits consumers as well as companies, local authorities and educational institutions. You can find out more under this link.
The open spaces in the other parts of the harbour are also to be successively converted.
Energy efficiency
The PORT OF KIEL and AIRPORT KIEL have been audited in accordance with the requirements of DIN EN 16247-1 with regard to the provisions of the Energy Services Act (EDL-G). The recommendations for action developed as part of the audit - primarily in relation to lighting equipment and control - have already been implemented for the most part or will be implemented in the course of upcoming modernisation measures.