Digitalisation and climate protection go hand in hand at PORT OF KIEL. More than 7 million tons of cargo are handled in the port of Kiel every year. In the process thousands of storage locations, covered sheds and open air areas are managed. Cargo units arrive by truck and train, complete consignments or partial loads – very often in the time-sensitive just-in-time transport.

The PORT OF KIEL IT Department has developed the innovative “Paper Shed Information System” (PASIS) to enable optimum handling of these high volumes of cargo – quick and trackable at any given time. All logistical processes at the terminal are planned, managed and optimised. The system interfaces with the transport and storage programs of the shipping companies so that any information about terminal management processes is available.
PASIS registers all workflow milestones. The system manages the preparation of the cargo, assigns loading ramps and registers the status of the individual loading process in real time. Our foremen can see on their mobile phones or tablet computers what the work schedule for the day looks like, which storage locations need to be loaded and which loading operations have already been finished. Also the truck drivers can see on their mobile devices when and where their cargo is ready for collection. PASIS significantly contributes to saving resources by reducing waiting time and optimizing the traffic flow on the terminal.
New Milestone:
Digital port entry process.

Efficiency according to the Cinderella principle
Straight-forward, more modern, bigger, better. With the acquisition of the former grain silos located in front of the port area and their partial demolition, the possibility literally opened up to create a more open and functional port entrance area and to relocate the main processing centre for all customers in front of the actual port entrance, respectively out of the port security area. All import or export vehicles come here for registration in the system. As soon as a truck is supposed to enter the terminal area, the driver receives a text message and is cleared for access by the system.
The system behind is called AGIOS (Automated Gate Information and Operation System) and works as follows: When approaching the gate, the license plate is scanned, compared to the available record of registration and the entry process follows the Cinderella principle “the good ones go into the pot, the bad ones go into the crop”. This means that vehicles with a correct registration can enter automatically and the few where something needs to be corrected are managed by gate security. This ensures that only those vehicles will access the port security area which do have an actual reason to be on the premises. The terminal processes are optimised, more room for loading and unloading the vessels is created and the Ostuferhafen is prepared for the continuing growth of its ferry and cruise customers.