DATA Protection

Thank you for your interest in our internet presence and the manner of data processing at the PORT OF KIEL.

We take the protection of your personal data (data) very seriously. To this effect, we would like to inform our guests, visitors and employees in detail about the type of data that is being processed when interacting with our internet presence and when visiting the PORT OF  KIEL. We also want to inform you about how the data collected is being processed, used and safeguarded through our technical and organisational safety measures.

A. General

I. Responsibility

The responsibility for adherence to data protection policies lies with:

Schwedenkai 1, 24103 Kiel, Germany

For any questions regarding data protection please feel free to contact our data protection officer:

compolicy GmbH
Schwedenkai 1, 24103 Kiel, Germany


II. Automated decision-making

As a matter of principle we do not use any fully automated decision-making tools as laid down in Art. 22 GDPR.

III. Data protection

For data protection, we use technical and organisational protection measures in order to protect your data against accidental or incidental manipulation such as loss, destruction or assault by unauthorised persons. Our protection measures take into account the on-going technology development and its improvements. In addition, your data are SSL-protected in order to avoid any access by unauthorised third parties.

B. Privacy statement regarding the internet presence

I. Use of Cookies

For our internet presence we make use of so-called cookies. Cookies are small text files that are sent to your internet browser by our webserver when you are interacting with our websites. Your end device stores said cookies for the purpose of a later retrieval. These cookies allow us to simplify and optimise the use of the web service for each respective user and provide interesting web pages.

We not only use own cookies on our web page. Embedded web pages and services such as Google Maps, Earth TV, Youtube and Flipping Pages also set cookies.

At any time you have the right to decide yourself whether cookies can be set and retrieved by us. The use of cookies can be managed via your browser settings. Through adjusting these settings you can deactivate cookies, limit cookies to certain websites or configure your browser so that cookies can only be set with your prior authorisation. It is also possible to block or delete certain cookies. Should you have deactivated the use of cookies it may be possible that some functionalities of our website may not be available to you.

Numerous services offer options of objection against cookies used for marketing means, such as and

II. Data gathering and data processing/Creation of log files

Upon visiting our website our server automatically stores data and information that is being saved in a log file. The type and the amount of data gathering as well as its subsequent way your data is being processed by us are different depending on if you are visiting the webpage for information purposes only or whether you engage with us via the contact function.

As part of the process of creating log files, the following types of data may be stored for information purposes:

Information pertinent to the type of browser and the version of your device’s operating system, the internet service provider that you use to connect to the internet, your device’s IP-address as well as the date and time of your website visit.

Information about the websites that you have used to reach our internet presence as well as websites that you are visiting following the use of a link that forms part of our website content.

The data processing of the above mentioned information allows us to present you with the content of our website whilst optimising the content presented for your use. Data stored as part of this process is stored separately from all other personal data which means that an assessment of information stored based on personal data is not possible. The IP-address is anonymised prior to being stored and the log files are being deleted automatically after the duration of seven days.

Should you decide to engage with us via the contact function on our website, this may mean that further personal data such as name, telephone number and/or e-mail address may be stored to allow us to connect with you directly to discuss your enquiry.

III. Matomo

This website uses Matomo. Matomo is a software for user analysis. We use Matomo in order to statistically analyse visitor access and therefore being able to optimise the content our website offers. It is an anonymous analysis and it allows no conclusions to be drawn about individuals.

The cookies used by Matomo are saved on your computer and transmitted to us from there.

You can delete these cookies anytime. Futhermore, you can object Matomo being saved and doing analyses.

An Opt-Out-Cookie will then be saved on your computer. However, if you delete the Opt-Out-Cookie, you will have to object again.

IV. YouTube

PORT OF KIEL uses the third party supplier YouTube LLC for the embedding of videos:
YouTube LLC
901 Cherry Ave.
San Bruno, CA 94066


Represented by: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

To play the videos embedded on our website a connection to the YouTube servers is established. However, we have decided to embed all videos on our website using the extended data protection settings offered to us by YouTube. These settings ensure that as per Google’s data privacy statement no personal data is being evaluated nor will any information be stored unless the video is played. Should the video be played, the IP-address of the end users’ device will be automatically transferred to YouTube.

In the case that the user in question has a personal YouTube account and is logged in to said account at the time of playing the video, the information that you have accessed the video on our website will also be stored on your personal YouTube user account.  To prevent this from happening, you can log out of your YouTube account prior to viewing the video.

Any additional data gathering or processing that YouTube may engage in is beyond our knowledge and power of influence. Should you wish to access further information in regards to this matter, please refer to YouTube’s data privacy statement on

V. Google Maps/Google Earth

This website uses Google Maps/Google Earth for providing route directions and views of our terminals. These are services by

Google Inc.,
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway,
Mountain View, CA 94043,


Through the use of Google Maps information pertinent to the use of this website including your IP-address will be transmitted to Google in the United States of America. Should you visit a website that contains Google Maps/Google Earth, a direct connection to the Google-owned servers is established. The content will be transmitted directly to your browser by Google upon which the browser then incorporates the content into the website visited for your use.

We as PORT OF KIEL do not have any influence on the amount of data gathered by Google in this fashion. The minimum amount that is gathered however is expected to match the amount that is gathered automatically for any website that one visits online. This encompasses: date and time of the website visit, internet address or respectively the URL of the website visited as well as the IP address of the users’ end device.

We as PORT OF KIEL do not have any influence on the additional data processing that Google engages in.

Should you like to prevent Google from gathering, processing or using your personal data via the Google maps service, you can change your browser settings to deactivate JavaScript. However, this may mean that the Google Maps/Google Earth functionality and any associated functionality may no longer work for you.

The purpose and the amount of data gathering, the additional data processing of all data gathered by Google as well as your associated rights and configuration options in regards to the safeguarding of your privacy are detailed in Google’s data privacy statement.

Google’s data privacy statement can be found here:

VI. Earth TV

We use Earth TV for embedding our webcam. Earth TV is a service of

earthTV network GmbH
Schönhausener Allee 6/7
10119 Berlin, Germany

("Earth TV")

By using Earth TV, information about the usage of this website including your IP address will be transmitted to Earth TV. Upon opening a website containing Earth TV a direct connection to the servers of Earth TV will be established. The content is being transmitted by Earth TV directly to your browser and embedded into the website by it.

We as PORT OF KIEL do not have any influence on the amount of data gathered by Earth TV in this fashion. The minimum amount that is gathered however is expected to match the amount that is gathered automatically for any website that one visits online. This encompasses: date and time of the website visit, internet address or respectively the URL of the website visited as well as the IP address of the users’ end device.

We as PORT OF KIEL do not have any influence on the additional data processing that Earth TV engages in.

The purpose and scope of data collected by Earth TV, their further processing and usage as well as your respective rights and setting options for protecting you privacy can be found in the data protection information of Earth TV.

Earth Tv's data privacy statement can be found here:

VII. Flipping Pages

We use Flipping Pages for embedding our PORT OF KIEL Magazines. Flipping Pages is a service of

mp4 Kommunikationsagentur GmbH
Lisa-Ammon-Str. 22
90451 Nürnberg

("Flipping Pages")

Through using Flipping Pages information about the usage of this website including your IP address are transmitted to Flipping Pages. When opening a website containing Flipping Pages a direct connection with the servers of Flipping Pages will be established. The content is being transmitted by Flipping Pages directly to your browser and embedded into the website by it.

We as PORT OF KIEL do not have any influence on the amount of data gathered by Earth TV in this fashion. The minimum amount that is gathered however is expected to match the amount that is gathered automatically for any website that one visits online. This encompasses: date and time of the website visit, internet address or respectively the URL of the website visited as well as the IP address of the users’ end device.

We as PORT OF KIEL do not have any influence on the additional data processing that Flipping Pages engages in.

The purpose and scope of data collected by Earth TV, their further processing and usage as well as your respective rights and setting options for protecting you privacy can be found in the data protection information of Earth TV.

Flipping Page's data privacy statement can be found here:

VIII. Involvement of third-party service providers and the transfer of information to third parties

Your personal data is used to offer our web services to you and can in some cases be transmitted to third parties that co-operate with us to enable PORT OF KIEL’s online presence (e.g. website hosting services, website maintenance and support services, quality assurance and mail services).

These third parties have been carefully selected and have been commissioned in writing. All third parties have to comply with our instructions and are audited by us on a regular basis.

Any additional transmission of your data to other third parties will only occur should we indicate the same in our data privacy declaration or should we be obligated by law to do so.

IX. Legal basis of data processing

All personal data is being processed in accordance to the legal provisions, especially all data processing that is pertinent to the fulfilment of contractual obligations (article 6, paragraph 1b of the GDPR regulation). All data processing is therefore done to allow us to deliver the desired services in question.

Furthermore, to safeguard our interests or the interests of third parties it may occur that under the premise of balancing interests (article 6, paragraph 1f of the GDPR regulation) personal data is being processed. This will be done for advertising purposes should you not have expressly objected to this use of personal data or respectively should we require the personal data in question for the enforcement and/or defence of claims and/or the aversion or severance of criminal offences.

Should you have given your approval as per article 6 paragraph 1a of the GDPR regulation to allow the data processing of personal data for specific areas, all data processing will be done according with the approval given. An approval given can be revoked at any time. However, a revocation does not have any consequence on the legality of data processing that has occurred until the time of the revocation being made.

X. Duration of data retention

Your personal data is being stored and processed according to the needs and demands that result out of the need to fulfil the services as agreed on in our contract and as per the legal obligations we have to adhere to. Once your personal data is no longer required to fulfil contractual or legal obligations, we will delete the personal data unless it remains relevant for the following purpose: Fulfilment of retention periods as detailed as part of commercial or fiscal legislation. These retention periods usually are set at 2-10 years. Equally, should we require the personal data stored for the enforcement, exertion or defence of legal claims, it will not be deleted which is in line with the guidance as per article 17 paragraph 3 of the GDPR regulation.

Data retention beyond this point can occur if this has been specified in a European or National legislation that we as PORT OF KIEL have to adhere to.

Once the retention period or the purpose for retention of a set of data has passed, all access to personal data will be locked or respectively all personal data will be deleted automatically.

C. Privacy statement regarding video surveillance by the PORT OF KIEL

In some areas of the PORT OF KIEL, which are marked with "video surveillance" resp. "video recording", there is video surveillance resp. video recording.

I. Purpose and legal basis

The video surveillance/video recording is done in order to prevent vandalism, for theft protection of own property and the one of third parties (guests, visitors and employees), for prevention of violence and to enforce the domiciliary right. The corresponding legal basis is Art. 6, paragraph 1 lit. F. GDPR.

Furthermore, we can be obliged to take measures like video surveillance for hazard prevention in order to ensure the safety of ships and port facilities as laid down in international regulations such as the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code ("ISPS Code").

II. Legitimate interests being pursued

With the video surveillance the protection of guests, visitors and employees as well as their and our property shall be ensured. As far as the video surveillance is subject to international regulations we are also interested in safe ship traffic and safe port facilities.

III. Data retention

The storage period for video recordings is 14 days.

D. Your rights in regards to data processing in respect to us as responsible entity are as follows:

I. Information about your rights

At any time you have the right to request if any personal data about you have been precessed. If that is the case you are entitled to disclosure of information on the personal data that we have stored about you as an individual. In addition, you are entitled to request the correction, locking of access or even deletion as per article 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the GDPR regulation should data processing not be mandatory or not be required for business processing.

Furthermore, you have the right to appeal as per article 21 of the GDPR regulation as well as the right to data portability as per article 20 of the GDPR regulation. To note here is that your right to information and your right to deletion of personal data may be restricted as a result out of other data protection laws.

Similarly, you also have a right to appeal to the supervisory authority as per article 77 of the GDPR regulation.

Approvals given can be revoked or changed at any time. Any changes/revocation of approvals given will hold for the future.

II. Information pertinent to your right to appeal as per article 21 of the GDPR regulation

At any time you have the right to appeal to the data processing of your personal information. Should you appeal to the data processing of personal information, we will cease all data processing activities as per your appeal. This will not stand true for those cases where legitimate reasons for the data processing procedures have been established that prevail your personal interests, rights or respectively your personal liberties. The same applies, should the processing of personal data be necessary for the enforcement, exertion or defence of legal claims.

Should we make use of your personal data for advertising purposes, you have the right to appeal to this use of personal data at any time.

Your appeal can be addressed to us using informal communication.

III. Opportunities to establish contact

To establish contact with us you can use the telephone number or e-mail address provided to you on our website. Any personal data that is being transmitted as part of this direct enquiry will be stored to allow for the processing of your enquiry or respectively to allow for establishing contact with you directly.