
WATCH VIDEO about intermodal transport

By shifting transport from road to rail and sea, the intermodal transport enables a significant reduction in pollutant emissions. Compared to road transport, emissions from rail freight transport are significantly lower in terms of particulate matter and nitrogen oxides as well as greenhouse gases. Thanks to the ferry connections to Scandinavia and the Baltic States, we in Kiel even offer the ultimate in ‘multimodal transport’ (rail + ship + road) - in both economic and ecological terms. This is another reason for us to support this area of transport in the Port of Kiel, but there are other reasons too:


Six Reasons Why
Intermodal transport.

Trucks and trains make good teams and complement each other excellently. Any commodity stuffed in standardized containers or in craneable trailers can be transshipped from one mode of transport to the other in an uncomplicated way and therefore, the most advantageous characteristics of each mode of transport can be leveraged each time.
Vehicles used in intermodal transport can have an overall weight of 44 tons, i.e. 4 tons more than in standard road transports. Naturally, they are allowed to and have to participate in road traffic, but restricted: only from/to the next suitable intermodal traffic terminal. FIn addition, lorries used for the "last mile" are exempt from driving bans on Sundays and public holidays and are exempt from vehicle tax.
The volume of freight transport is growing. Using rail transport is a reasonable way to counter-act against the impending traffic collapse on the roads.
Not many freight dispatchers or recipients have a direct connection to a port or to the railway network nor do they have their own crane facilities. Intermodal transport terminals enable the transshipment of goods and there are cost advantages to be realized through pooling the cargo.
Trains do not need resting time and like to be on the tracks at night outside of the rush hours of passenger rail traffic. If timed correctly, freight trains are loaded in the evening and travel overnight to then arrive at their terminal of destination the following day.
There is a mid-sized five-digit figure describing the lack of truckers nowadays and this number exponentially growing. So it is only logical to count more on rail and sea transport and to deploy truckers in regional transport mainly. Maybe this is even a way to raise the interest of other employee groups in the profession of a trucker, especially for those who want or have to be with their families in the evenings and at weekends.