Our application as your training company
Shipping clerks specialising in liner shipping


Hey there, we hereby apply to you as your new training company. We look forward to proving to you over the next 2 - 3 years what a great employer we are!

Cruise ship enters the port of Kiel
Picture: Finn Karstens

Look forward to

During your apprenticeship, you will gain many insights into a wide variety of departments. During your time in our port operations office, where you will spend the majority of your apprenticeship, you will be responsible for general office tasks such as invoicing, budget monitoring and account assignment and will have contact with various authorities and customers. You will also be responsible for preparing invoices and statistics for the scheduling of port services and cruise ships. Among other things, you will organise the supply and disposal of fresh water for the ships at our berths. During your training, you will gain an all-round overview of the operational processes at our terminals. There is so much more waiting for you - find out more in person!

During your apprenticeship, we currently pay you € 1,145 in the first year, € 1,185 in the second year and € 1,275 in the third year as a training allowance.

The apprenticeship starts on 01/08/2024. The vocational school is the RBZ-Wirtschaft in Kiel, which you will attend as part of block teaching. In order to provide you with the best possible training content, you will also gain insights into two of our cooperating companies during your apprenticeship. You can also look forward to regular Corporate Health Management events and many benefits for employees.

We are your port

We are the PORT OF KIEL, which includes Kiel Airport and our cargo handling company SEEHAFEN KIEL Stevedoring. We are located along the Kiel Fjord at the Schwedenkai, Ostseekai, Norwegenkai and Ostuferhafen. After your training, you will have the opportunity to be taken on as a permanent member of our team.

We are highly motivated, dynamic, extremely personal and always on the lookout for new talents like you!
If we have sparked your interest and you have a higher education entrance qualification or A-levels, we look forward to receiving your application documents (cover letter, CV, certificates) in PDF format.


Schwedenkai 1, 24103 Kiel, Germany
Ann-Christin Brocks
T +49 (0)0431 9822-140