
Promoting young talent is a key priority

We would like to offer interested school pupils the opportunity to gain an insight into our apprenticeships as part of a work placement. As we receive a large number of applications from school pupils, we would like to take this opportunity to point out that our places are limited and will be allocated early.

Look forward to

During your internship, you will have the opportunity to gain insights into a wide variety of departments. In the commercial area, for example, you can gain experience in the Marketing, Human Resources, Technology, Port Operations, Finance or Forwarding and Logistics departments. If you are interested in industrial areas, the port security, terminal operations or motor vehicle departments may be just right for you. We will be happy to cater to your individual wishes in order to find a department that suits your interests. If you are interested in more than one area, you may be able to find your own combination of departments. Take a look at our job adverts for apprenticeships and permanent positions. Perhaps you will find something there that particularly interests you and that you would like to find out more about.



If you are interested in an internship at the PORT OF KIEL, your application should include at least the following documents: Cover letter with desired period and area, CV and the last two certificates. Please send electronic applications in PDF format only!

Human Resources
Schwedenkai 1, 24103 Kiel, Germany

Ann-Christin Brocks, T +49 (0)431 9822-140