Green Energy.

Power from renewable resources

Since 2014, the PORT OF KIEL covers its electricity demand from renewable resources. After only a few terminal areas had been supplied with eco-power, today it implies all port facilities. Compared to the standard power mix of the local provider (508 g CO2/kWh), the CO2-savings amount to about 99.3 per cent. According to the climate protection certificate of the power provider more than 1,900 tons CO2 are avoided every year.

Alternative power generation

The PORT OF KIEL has invested into alternative technology for generating energy and has installed photovoltaics on a number of buildings in Kiel's Ostuferhafen. Since 2013, these systems produce an average of 200,000 kilowatt hours per year which are fed into the local power grid respectively are available for own use.

Schwedenkai in the early morning
Picture: Marco Plundrich

Lighting Technology Conversion

Since 2014, the PORT OF KIEL utilizes energy-efficient LED lighting technology in its buildings and realises considerable energy savings compared to conventional lighting technology. As from the construction of Shed 4 in Ostuferhafen in 2013, all new buildings are being equipped with this lighting concept. The conversion of the Norwegenkai terminal building, Shed 1 and 2 as well as the Ostuferhafen depot was realised in 2015. Through the measures taken until today, 400,000 kilowatt hours are saved per annum.

CPI: Modernisation of outdoor lighting system in the Ostuferhafen port area with energy-efficient LED lighting technology

Within the scope of this project, the outdoor area of the Ostuferhafen Terminal is being equipped with LED lighting technology from September 2019 to March 2020. Through an investment of about 250,000 Euros, 160 LED lamps are supposed to be installed. In addition, the existing lighting control will be optimized and adapted to the new LED lighting system. The electricity consumption will be reduced by nearly 72 per cent and 275,000 kilowatt hours of electrical energy will be saved every year.

This project with the funding code 03K10779 is subsidized within the scope of the National Climate Protection Initiative by the Federal Environment Ministry.

Funded by: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety based on a resolution of the German Bundestag

National Climate Protection Initiative

With its National Climate Protection Initiative the Federal Environment Ministry has initiated and supported numerous projects since 2008 which contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The programs and projects of the initiative cover a broad range of climate protection activities: from the development of long-term strategies to specific assistance and investment support measures. This variety of activities is a guarantee for good ideas. The National Climate Protection Initiative contributes to embedding climate protection on a regional level. Consumers as well as companies, municipalities and education institutions profit from its array of activities. Please find more information on this website.

The open-air spaces of the other port areas will gradually be retrofitted with LED lighting technology as well.


The PORT OF KIEL and KIEL AIRPORT have been audited according to the regulations of DIN EN 16247-1 with respect to the requirements of the Energy Service Law (EDL-G). The recommended actions following the audit – mainly about lighting facilities and management – have mostly already been realised respectively are going to be realised upon pending reconstruction projects.